Current Series Release Notes

Current Series Release Notes


New Features

  • Introduce Guru to Mogan. Guru is a mechanism whereby developers and system administrators can generate a report about the state of a running Mogan executable. This report is called a Guru Meditation Report.
  • Allow mogan to manage running nodes from backend drivers, which permits an operator to migrate bare metal nodes to openstack.
  • Node aggregate allows the partition of bare metal nodes into logical groups for server distribution. Which is quite like Nova host aggregate, but we are based on bare metal nodes.
  • Migrate resources tracking to placement service, that makes each bare metal node a “resource provider” with a custom resource class that references the flavor.
  • Add root disk partitions support, allow users to specify root, ephemeral and swap partitions when claiming a server. This feature is only available for partition images.
  • Add support for serial protocol console, there are two connection types, shellinabox and socat.
  • Add server groups support with affinity and anti-affinity policies, which based on a special aggregate metadata “affinity zone”.
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